Noodle Incident: Mulderig resents Doyle for a past case (which we never learn the details of) when one of his hunches got another cop killed. Odessa Steps: Two moments: a mother pushing a baby carriage being shot and so releasing it, plus a shoot out down a staircase. Cam: Used during the bus chase in the sequel. The FCC cops to the weakness of its own proposal on page two, in a bit of efficiency worshipping mealy mouthedness designed to conceal the commission modern day impotence: recognize that elimination of our sports blackout rules alone might not end sports blackouts, but it would leave sports carriage issues to private solutions negotiated by the interested parties in light of current market conditions and eliminate unnecessary regulation. That just the thing: The blackout provisions currently vexing sports fans emerge from the leagues own plans to protect their revenues. The blackout rules written over the years by Congress and the FCC serve only to undergird the leagues anti consumer practices.
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