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Replica Stella McCartney bags Is a SisterTrope to StayInTheKitchen. However, StayInTheKitchen is when a male character tells a woman not to do something because of misguided ideals, whereas this trope is when the gender segregation is a matter of official policy. In addition, this is usually motivated by bigotry as well as chivalry.!! Played with in one issue of ”ComicStrip/KnightsOfTheDinnerTable”: Sara Felton has left the Knights to join another gaming group who are playing an adventure based on the [[ShowWithinAShow Goremunya]] fantasy novels; upon arriving at the city of Goremunya, the GM informs her that she can’t enter because of a religious festival during which no women are allowed in the city. Later she returns to the Knights to find them playing the same adventure, and she learns the truth about the festival: it’s actually ”farm animals” that aren’t allowed in. She gets so annoyed at this that she starts a massacre of the people of the city with a (slightly altered) catch phrase “I waste him with my longbow!” borrowed from Bob Herzog.In the ”{{Discworld}}”, students accepted to the Assassins’ Guild School were strictly male only for a very long time. However, canonical material states that every so often, an enterprising girl who saw no reason why her gender should debar her would bluff her way in, posing as a boy. This was discouraged, but it was reluctantly accepted that any woman who managed it should be quietly allowed to graduate, so as to save embarrassment. It is thought that this explains the otherwise anomolous Lady T’Malia. The Guild School’s current Bladed Weapons teacher, Madame Deux Epees, is one who got all the way and passed Replica Stella McCartney bags.