Consider paying a larger down payment. This points provides you two profits. Basically you would have to ask for very little amount of cash and then pay back a smaller monthly fee. The Ending Changes Everything: At the end, Il Gwang, the shaman who had been helping Jong Goo, was revealed to be on the same side as the evil spirit/devil that was tormenting his daughter. Evil All Along: Toward the end of the movie, Il Gwang tells Jong Goo that he made a mistake when identifying who is behind the curse of the village. He thought it was the Japanese hermit, when it was in fact the nameless Woman in White who appeared to Jong Goo at the start. Surprisingly, Team Rocket is only on the border of this. Sure, the Terrible Trio are G rated Harmless Villains, but every once in a while you’re reminded that they’re the oddballs of a larger and much more dangerous syndicate. In fact, Jessie, James, and Meowth are very lucky to still have their job!.
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