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Replica Valentino bags The Silver Age Green Lantern Hal Jordan had an Inuit sidekick called Pieface who served as his mechanic. Today, he is strictly called Tom Kalmaku and depicted with respect as an engineer. In a retelling of Hal’s origin, the “Pieface” nickname is used by a Jerkass rival pilot. Tom gets his in DC: The New Frontier, Darwyn Cooke’s (there he is again!) reimagining of the dawn of DC’s Silver Age. Hal Jordan calls him Pieface when they first meet. Tom responds by calling Hal “whitebread” and threatening him with a wrench, and that’s the last time Hal uses that nickname. While the nickname was very unfortunate, as such things go, Tom was really treated pretty decently in the old Gardner Fox Silver Age GL comics. He looked like a real Eskimo and not some weird caricature, avoided a You No Take Candle style weird accent, and he was clearly a good and intelligent man whom Hal respected. He also deserves credit for being a favorable portrayal of a minority most readers at that time would only be vaguely familiar with. Replica Valentino bags
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