Adults Are Useless: The teachers at Shin Hwa Academy are almost unseen, presumably because they are either clueless or too afraid to go against F4 to do anything about the bullying that occurs at the school (especially considering Jun Pyo’s family is the owner of the Academy).
He refers to Johnson’s election and says he’d be happy with sixty percent of the votes; his right hand man says they’d have to run a crooked Valentino Replica Handbags election to get less than ninety percent. The Password is Always “Swordfish”: The combination to Jeff’s safe consists of a significant date that is also part of his IM nickname and the date of his most (emotionally) important photo shoot, Stella McCartney Replica bags written on the back of his prints of said Replica Handbags shoot.
Otherwise yeah, he does do some nasty things that he somehow Designer Replica Handbags avoids having to be punished for. Like Replica Designer Handbags almost everything else in the series, it’s based on Replica Stella McCartney bags a real place in Akihabara Cure Maid Cafe, which had a poster outside of the Replica Hermes Handbags girls in their Replica Valentino Handbags maid dresses..
Obi Wan Moment: Ensign Locatelli apologizes to Senior Chief Petty Officer Osterman for being such a pain just before they both die firing a jury rigged laser cannon. Peyton wins, but then someone points out that he only used female monsters, while Krystella only used male monsters, which just confuses everybody.
Despite the fact that he’s clearly agitated and pointing a gun at her, she puts her hand into her pocket and refuses to remove it even as he orders her to. Hopper forces the ants to create a replacement offering, twice Replica Hermes Birkin as large, Hermes Replica Handbags giving them until “the last leaf falls” to comply.