Gold Colored Superiority: The Emerald City starts green

Big Bad: Death Mwauthzyx, who originates from Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, is the one responsible for turning the world into a video game. Big Boo’s Haunt: The “Monster Madness” world, which is set in a graveyard of a 1920’s monster film. Blackout Basement: “Deadly Danger Dungeon” is not only filled with various traps, it also has a feature of you being only able to see few steps ahead. Shepherd Santiago lives a peaceful life in the fields of Andalusia, tending his flocks and crushing on a local wool merchant’s daughter, untroubled save for a strange recurring dream. When a fortune teller interprets his dream as a prophecy telling him to find treasure hidden in the pyramids Santiago, (with encouragement from a strange old man who calls himself the King of Salem) follows the dream’s message, seeking out his “personal legend.” Aided by Urim and Thummim, a pair of fortune telling stones gifted to him by the King, Santiago travels on foot to Egypt, meeting diverse range of people along the way: a crystal merchant dreaming of making Hajjnote The traditional pilgrimage to Mecca every Muslim is required to make at least once in their lifetime, a desert dwelling beauty named Fatima, an Englishman seeking the philosopher’s stone, and the titular Alchemist. From each encounter and event Santiago gains a new understanding of himself and what he seeks, and ultimately leads his quest to the most unexpected of conclusions..

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