Pottermack overlooked), and after establishing the true circumstances he chooses to keep his discoveries to himself. Line of Sight Name: Mr Pottermack in Mr. Pottermack’s Oversight adapted an alias from the name of the ship that brought him to America, the SS Potomac. Dismantled MacGuffin: The Kyber Saber is broken into seven different pieces. The Dog Bites Back: After the endless nagging and verbal abuse, it’s hardly surprising that Naare turns against the Emperor the second she obtains the completed Kyber Saber. Dramatic Irony: The Emperor spends season 2 looking for the Kyber Saber and Rowanm unaware that it was thrown into lava. (Sort of) Truth in Television: Septicemia can attack the lungs but that means it has progressed to something lovingly called “Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome” and seeking a bottle of standard antibiotics is just risking the lives of healthy potential survivors. Intimate Healing: Laura gets Sam out of the wet clothes after his Drowning Pit situation and then embraces him because “if the blood rushes back too fast, your heart could fail”. He doesn’t mind.
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