Queen Vasi united all of the clans by defusing the tension between them with this power. Death by Origin Story: Queen Vasi,Bria’s mother Everything’s Better with Princesses: Bria Fake Defector: Adrian for about two days to keep from being captured. Farm Boy: A rare female example. Lampshaded in the same episode when Larry and Jackie try to find 3rd and 4th best friends among the other Zabvronians only to realize that they have zero chemistry. Especially since they’re all warriors rather than socializers. Hidden Depths: Amber, insofar as she seems like your stereotypical snarky emo teen but actually is more of a Deadpan Snarker in the vein of Daria than anything else. In this volume, he proves himself to be one of Tintin’s most out and out heartless and dangerous foes. Bowdlerization: In the Belvision version, Captain Haddock isn’t drunk when he is pulled into orbit instead, his feet hurt, so he takes his metal boots off. Burial in Space: It doesn’t occur on the page, but the heroes jettison Jorgen’s body into space.
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