A CAMP team rousted a family form their home at gunpoint and shot their dog. A CAMP helicopter chased a nine year old girl down a dirt road and pointed guns at her. Another hovered so low over a woman taking an outdoor shower that she could see the pilot laughing. CAMP troops were searching without warrants not only the homes of suspected pot growers, but also the neighbors’ homes as well, ostensibly to “protect themselves.” Once inside, the troops would empty the refrigerator, pilfer what they wanted, and leave empty beer cans on sofas and counters. No home or vehicle in Humboldt County was immune from a helicopter assault and a warrantless search. The citizens of the county, who had first welcomed CAMP as a way to get rid of dangerous lawbreakers, now viewed the operation as an occupying army.
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Replica Designer Handbags Plus during the fight on the US West Coast, Kilowog and Arkillo go through the San Diego Comic Con. Hal refers to Lyssa Drax as the “Wicked Witch”, and then uses his ring to create a house which he then drops on her. John calls the Anti Monitor Marshmallow Man before the Green Lantern Corps engages him. Space Whale: Ion’s true form is a giant green whale. Start of Darkness: In retrospect, this war was one for the Guardians. The Sinestros and other emotion powered Lantern Corps that emerged afterward terrified them so much that they started taking more extreme steps to fight them, until they tried to get rid of emotion altogether. Straw Nihilist: Hank Henshaw. They Died Because of You: Kyle’s life was already the trope namer for “Women in Refrigerators”, but now it turns out that the disease that killed his mother was a sentient virus who joined the Sinestro Corps. Sinestro lets him know this to weaken his mental defenses against Parallax. This Is Something He’s Got to Do Himself: During the invasion of Earth, Salaak tells other Lanterns not to get involved in Kilowog vs. Arkillo. Thou Shalt Not Kill: No longer enforced rather than take it too far in the other direction, debates over proper use of this power continued being discussed within the Corps even after the war. Most Lanterns (including the human leads) make it a point to leave killing as a last resort. Notably, Kilowog considers an eagerness to kill to be a weakness, and defeats Arkillo handily while Arkillo’s focusing on murdering bystanders. Henshaw punches Superman through the Statue of Liberty, snarling that he can’t kill him. Superman calmly replies that he’s never tried. Took a Level in Badass: Every GL still alive after the Battle of Mogo, but particularly a young Daxamite named Sodam Yat, who was a simple nobody until he was given the Ion Entity to increase his powers 100 fold (Oh and Daxamites have all the powers of Superman). Xanatos Gambit: Sinestro set things up so that no matter what the outcome was, he would win. Either he and his troops gained control of the Multiverse, or he forced the Green Lantern Corps into adopting more aggressive tactics that he feels would be more suitable to bringing order to the Universe Replica Designer Handbags.