A Day in the Limelight: Each member of the band got to have a song where they sang lead vocals: Rachel “I Really Miss You”, “Natural” and an alternate version of “Alive” with her vocals instead of Jo’s. Jon “Sunshine”, “Someday, Somewhere”. Bradley “Spiritual Love,” I’ll Keep Waiting”. Hannah “Dance Dance Dance”, “Hey Kitty Kitty”. Paul “Love Train”, “Good Times”. Tina “I’ll Be There”, “Secret Love,” and the B Side “Discotek,” which she co wrote. In addition their albums each have a “girls song” (Bring It All Back from S Club) and a “boy’s song” (Reach from 7) with solos given out to each member of both genders. The Adjectival Superhero: One of their songs refers to them as “The One and Only Wonderful S Club.” Affectionate Parody: The first episode of LA 7 is a parody of The Blair Witch Project. All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Bradley apparently hooked up with a group of cheerleaders in an episode of LA 7. Ambiguously Jewish: Paul references Rachel’s Judaism in an episode of Miami 7 by saying that bacon isn’t good for her, but other than that it was never acknowledged on the show. Arson http://contentbusters.net/uncategorized/its-a-rival-for-models-such-as-the-volkswagen-jettaand-audi/, Murder, and Jaywalking: In Miami 7 Howard is sent to court for illegally working the band. To end the hearing the judge finds him guilty: Judge: You exploited these people, worked them like dogs, tried to deceive the law, and your shirt is just awful.”
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Replica Valentino Handbags One of the stranger aspects of all of this was how Harmony Gold was able to gain the US trademark for Macross simply by defending the rights to Robotech. Bandai also licensed several mecha designs to FASA for use in BattleTech, and they were incorporated and used in the miniatures game. Harmony Gold countersued FASA for the longstanding use of Macross IP in BattleTech, citing their license from Tatsunoko. The suit was settled out of court, and the settlement was sealed so the settlement terms are not known. However, the suit forced FASA to voluntarily remove the offending designs (now known as “The Unseen”) out of fear of renewed legal hassles. Big West subsequently successfully sued Tatsunoko, as their license to Macross was originally only to cover the original animation content of Macross, and not any derivative content based thereon Replica Valentino Handbags.