Meta Origin: She got her powers from the same spider that

Gilded Cage: The bunker Ezekiel placed her in, and intended to place Peter inside as well. I Have This Friend.: In Issue 1, Cindy says Dragonclaw sounds like a Pokmon, prompting her to ask “Is Pokemon still a thing. asking for a friend.” Important Haircut: near the end of her first character arc in Silk, Cindy is in a fight with Black Cat that ends with Black Cat dangling her by her hair over a long drop. After a moment of existential anguish over the source of the fight itself, she cuts off her own hair to escape. From this moment forward, she begins to move past her reliance on Spider man make her own decisions about her life, including later working with Black Cat in order to find information on her family. Meta Origin: She got her powers from the same spider that Peter did. Unlike him, she produces her own webbing. This is part of her role as the Bride in the Cosmic Chess Game between the Inheritors and the Spiders. Morality Pet: Silk has appointed herself as Black Cat’s, and given Silk’s “lucky” escape in issue 10 it seems to be working. Nave Newcomer: Silk’s naivety and enthusiasm for heroics would normally make her endearing, but when she teams up with Spider Woman during Spider Verse, Jess finds it very aggravating. Never My Fault: Occasionally attempts to shift the blame off herself whenever she screws up and things go FUBAR. Spider Woman eventually gets fed up with this and chews her out on it. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: She ends up getting Spider Man: Noir laid up after she accidentally attracts Brix and Bora to their location. And then gets Spider Woman trapped on Loomworld. And then wrecks the second teleporter when she returns to Loomworld to save Spider Woman, even though she should be staying away from Loomworld. It happens a lot in Spider Verse. agents storming the building, and Cindy uses the last of her strength to leap through a skylight after being aided by an uppercut, landing on the roof. Black Cat simply teleports to the roof and continues beating her up. Not Quite Back to Normal: The Goblin King (Phil Urich) infects Silk with his knock off Goblin Serum in an attempt to get her on his side, but she’s saved by Black Cat, who had cooked up a cure. However, Silk’s eyes are later shown turning yellow when she gets angry, implying that Felicia’s vaccine wasn’t perfect (it hasn’t been brought up since, however). Older Than She Looks: Played for Laughs. Both Jessica Drew and Mockingbird who mentor Silk refer to her as a kid despite the fact that she’s actually around the same age as them. Mockingbird: That’s good to hear, young lady.

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