you understand that every kind of person you see is facing

Romney has exhibited the right impulse: make a distinction between doctrine and practice, and focus on its practices so similar to those of evangelical churches. Asked recently in an attempted question to comment on an outdated church position, Romney responded, talk about the practices of my faith. I had the occasion in my church to be asked to be the pastor, if you will, of a congregation. And I served in that kind of role for about ten years. And that gave me the occasion to work with people on a very personal basis (who) were dealing with unemployment, with marital difficulties, with health difficulties of their own…. People have burdens in this country, and when you get a chance to know people on a very personal basis… you understand that every kind of person you see is facing some challenges. And one of the reasons I running for president of the United States is I want to help people, I want to lighten that burden. See more

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