The Ageless: Drake resident Danielle hasn’t aged for at least

Interesting note: perhaps due to the beauty and strangeness of native Australian wildlife and plants, Australia has a very large population of environmental activists the sane and pragmatic kind, not the PETA kind (mostly). The late Steve Irwin and his family are prominent environmentalists who use their shows and zoo to promote the protection of wildlife the world over. But his death created an immense surge of pro environmental activity that continues to this day. Famous the world over for looking like a real Mix and Match Critter: a duck like bill (with built in electric field sensors, yet) used to look for shellfish and other prey in the mud, duck like feet, a furred body resembling an otter’s, and a tail like a beaver’s. Indeed, when news of the platypus first reached Europe, scientists believed it was naught but an elaborate hoax created by taxidermists sewing parts from different animals together. The real kicker is that it’s only one of two (or five, counting individual echidna species) living mammals that lay eggs. The male of the species also has a spur on its hind legs that delivers a potent neurotoxin. Presumably used to assert dominance over other males during the breeding season, it won’t kill a human but will cause excruciating pain that can last for a long time, and can recur up to a year later. Rare plants. The platypus also appears on the Australian 20 cent coin.

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