He pressured Galvin to take the settlement and hijacks the questioning of his star witness “to save time.” Galvin calls him out on it only to be threatened with arrest and contempt of court. Anti Hero: Frank Galvin is a pretty scummy attorney, and even after he rediscovers his thirst for justice he’s not above using tactics of questionable morality, like breaking into mailboxes to track down people who don’t want to be found. Batman Gambit: Laura apparently realizes that all she needs to do is show up at Galvin’s watering hole and he’ll hit on her, allowing them to spark up a relationship. In Heaven’s Lost Property, Tomoki does this twice. First with Nymph and a candied apple then later with Astraea and a full dinner at his house http://xaynhauytin.net/saturday-night-live-when-she-was-a-child-actor/, along with a offer to feed her whenever she was hungry. Both instances of kindness eventually influenced their decisions to betray Synapse.
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