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The katar dagger used by Mira was actually invented more than 1000 years after the setting, and similarly, her fighting style, the Kalaripayattu, wasn’t invented until the 11th century. Ancient Rome: Technically still counts, though it covers (in a fictional sense) the final events of its history. Arch Enemy: Wulfila to Aurelius. He gets drunk with the bride. Dexter Haaaaaaaaaven!” And “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Evil Brit: Sidney Kidd (We don’t know if the character’s meant to be British, but he definitely has the accent.) Extremely Short Timespan: The bulk of the action takes place over a 24 hour period, except for some establishing scenes from the day before and a prologue set two years earlier. Face Palm of Doom: A particularly pissed off C.

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Kero sounds and acts like Mushu from Mulan. Madison, as Tomoyo is known in the dub, has Valley Girl traits to her (though still being a model student). A Day in the Limelight: Prominent in the anime. Though Sakura is the main character, most significant cast members get at least one or two spotlight episodes and a healthy amount of screen time otherwise.

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His online fanbase is very passionate

Chick Magnet: Andy Levy. His online fanbase is very passionate, female panelists frequently try to flirt with him, and even his cohosts acknowledge that he has a special something. Clip Show: For several years, their New Year’s Eve special would be one of these. Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Greg. He’s obsessed with unicorns, has a bizarre and twisted sense of humor, and is responsible for the majority of strange fake backstories for everyone. He tones back his weird persona when appearing on Fox’s other shows, however, and is allegedly pretty normal in real life. People who know of Andrew Breitbart as the ardent conservative activist that he was would probably be surprised to see his appearances on Red Eye and find out he was very much this. One of his responses to a question was to regurgitate a colored ball. When asked a follow up question, he dumped the rest of the balls on the table. He also engaged in other bizarre acts such as snorting powered wine off a mirror, inhaling helium, and asking Dr. Drew for help with his “friend’s” “sexual mania.” Comedic Sociopath: According to Greg’s jokes about himself, he is a globetrotting serial killer and molester with a cadre of captured, underage male slaves he calls “House Boys” and keeps locked in his basement, occasionally letting them upstairs for ambiguously sexual amusement or forcing them to engage in disturbing “games” for their freedom. They’re also implied to be captured immigrants, none of them able to speak English. Comically Missing the Point: Andy’s question to Ann CoulterAndy: “Ann, you got in a little hot water for something you said about Jews on ‘The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch.’ As a Jew, I would be remiss if I didn’t ask: What the HELL were you doing on CNBC?”

Hubbard currently holds Guinness world records for most books published (1,084) and most languages his books have been translated into (71). Knight Errant: The protagonist of Ole Doc Methuselah travels about the galaxy with his alien sidekick, setting wrongs to right. Lobotomy: In one scene of The Masters of Sleep, the protagonist is slated for a lobotomy. The procedure is described. Later, the doctor who was to perform the lobotomy is wheeled away to receive a lobotomy himself. Megacorp: One of the planets visited in Ole Doc Methuselah is in the grip of a corporation that has found a way to make the people pay for everything up to and including the air they breathe. Missing Time: Fear starts with a professor who realises he’s missing both his hat and memories of the past four hours. Despite warnings he investigates; it doesn’t end well for him. The Natives Are Restless: In one novel, the protagonist interrupts the spooked natives with a sniper rifle that shoots joke holograms, starting with Elvis Presley’s ghosts dancing around a cursing Josef Stalin. What Could Have Been.: The mythos of Scientology is actually based on a screenplay called Revolt in the Stars that Hubbard invoked when tried to pitch to studios in the early ’70s. It was. complex, to say the least. You Are in Command Now: The protagonist of Final Blackout, known only as “the Lieutenant”, starts as a low ranking officer before being catapaulted into command.

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